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This really is like the frog story where the water is slowly heated up and the frog never jumps out and ends up boiling to death. Because the temperature change is gradual, the frog never alerts to the danger. We are like the frog. We all read the headlines. We all have been told of the danger. We have all heard of the youth mental health crisis in America.
No Matter How Many Headlines, the Public Seems Desensitized to the Situation.
Child Suicide Levels Reach New All Time High!
Suicide Now 2nd Leading Cause of Death in Children.
Children's Mental Health is a National Emergency.
One in Five Children Have a Mental Health Disorder!
Only Half Receive Any Treatment!
Now the AMA is Getting Involved.
The AMA just adopted a policy statement recognizing that children’s mental health represents a national emergency. AMA Immediate Past President Jack Resneck Jr., MD, said:
“We are in a crisis situation with children’s mental health, and we must come together as a nation to do everything possible to prioritize children’s mental, emotional and behavioral health and ensure they have access to the care they need.”
Actually the AMA is kind of slow on the draw, because:
The American Academy of Pediatrics,
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The Children’s Hospital Association,
have already declared our childrens ongoing mental health crisis to be a national emergency.
Why Are Our Children in Crisis?
Here are three reasons, cited by national experts, that contribute to the youth mental health crisis.

According to the federal government, speaking through the National Institutes of Health:
"The risk of depression was significantly higher among adolescents who reported lower frequency and shorter duration of physical exercise than those who reported physical exercise more frequently and for a longer duration." (Mar 8, 2022)

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published research showing that:
"high sugar intake plays a causal role in the risks of both incident and recurrent depression and common mental disorders", and "that lower intake of sugar may be associated with better psychological health." (Prev Chronic Dis 2021;18:200574)

The Surgeon General issued a warning last month stating that:
"...there is growing evidence that social media use is associated with harm to young people’s mental health." And: "We are in the middle of a national youth mental health crisis, and I am concerned that social media is an important driver of that crisis – one that we must urgently address.”
Why Does This Youth Mental Health Crisis Persist?
Everybody seems to know the problem exists. The experts have warned us about some of the causes. Why does this problem persist? Here are three reasons.
I think the Boiling Frog story is one explanation (apathy). Other people accept this condition as a part of life, the best we can hope for in this day and age (fatalism). Many responsible parents assume their children are fine, and think this applies only to other families (denial). Between apathy, fatalism and denial, many people seem unable to act.
You Can Be The Exception!
You Can Alert to the Danger!
You Can Protect Your Children!
Here Is A Checklist Parents Can Use
to Screen For Mental Health Problems:
Look for CHANGES from the baseline.
Sleeping too much or too little.
Loss of appetite or eating too much.
Moving or speaking very slowly.
Agitation or restlessness — pacing, unable to sit still.
Decreased personal hygiene.
Changes in appearance.
Report of unexplained body aches or headaches.
Change in temperment, angry outbursts
Look for loss of interest or decreased participation.
Decreased socializing with friends.
Decreased school attendance, grades may drop.
Dropping out of clubs or groups.
Look for obvious signs.
Use of alcohol or drugs.
Self-mutilation, cutting or burning.
Threatening or attempting suicide.
If there is any doubt about your childrens mental health, have your child evaluated by their pediatrician, your family doctor or a mental health professional. In any crisis situation you can always call 988, the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
You Can Keep Your Children Healthy By Following The Recomendations Suggested By The Experts.

Keep your children physically active by being involved in sports, PE at school and family hikes and outings on weekends. Help your child(ren) acquire a bike and the gift of independance as they use their bike to transport themselves to the places they need to go.

Sugary snacks should be a rare treat, not a daily occurrence. Youth activity groups, whether after school clubs or groups sponsored by churches or other organizations, can be put on notice that healthful snacks in line with national recomendations will be appreciated. Crackers and cheese, fresh fruit and berries; there are lots of healthy options.

SocIal media and screen time can be limited, especially in younger children. The U.S. Surgeon General said: "I, personally, based on the data I’ve seen, believe that 13 is too early." Dr. Murthy went on to say: "...parents can band together and say you know, as a group, we’re not going to allow our kids to use social media until 16 or 17 or 18..."
Go here to review many other steps you can take to protect your childrens mental health.
The Decisions You Make Are Important.
You Can Make Choices As Parents'
That Will Protect Your Children.
Take care and BE HEALTHY!
CW Jasper
June 2023
©2023· Content is Property Created by CW Jasper
It is also important to point out that gun violence, not just suicide but including self-inflicted gunshot wounds are the number one cause of death in school aged children, surpassing motor vehicle accidents. Ready access to firearms is statistically more likely to end in a person in the household being shot than an intruder. Suicide by gun is much more likely to be successful than other means available to kids.
In addition to sugar, the lack of exercise, and social media contributing to child mental health crisis, there are those radical organizations and influential people targeting children in an attempt to convince them there is something wrong with them and they (the radical organizations and people) are the answer to make them feel better about themselves.