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Tyre Nichols was pulled over by police on January 7th, yanked from his car and beat savagely. During the beating, he escaped on foot. After he was apprehended, he was beat some more, and died 3 days later in the hospital, apparently from injuries received in the beating.
We know quite a bit about this incident but there are some unanswered questions.
What triggered this incident? The first thing we see is Tyre being yanked from the car. No request for license and registration, just yanked from the car. It seems as though something had already triggered the situation. It is unlikely that any previous interaction would justify the rough treatment, but knowing what led up to this situation is important.
Did Tyre commit a crime? Initially the police said he was pulled over for driving recklessly, but later they walked that back and said there was no evidence of reckless driving. We really have no explanation for why he was pulled over. Based on what we know now, it seems unlikely that Tyre committed any crime.
Was Tyre's death caused by racism? Tyre was black and so were the 5 officers that beat him. It certainly wouldn't fit the conventional definition of racism, but some pundits have stated this was the result of 'systemic' racism. These experts believe that systemic racism can motivate police officers to attack people, even of their own race. This explanation does not pass the smell test. I understand these experts believe racism is an ongoing problem, but they need to find actual examples of racism, rather than relabeling everything to justify their vendetta.
Other than racism, are there any other explanations for the officer's behavior? Well police brutality certainly comes to mind. You know the old maxim:
"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
People with power often abuse it. This isn't restricted to men, women are prone to abuse power as well. I think all good people would like to get rid of police brutality, but it isn't easy. We want the police to have enough power to stop bad guys, apprehend shooters, and arrest criminals. The problem has always been finding the right balance that gives police enough power to do their job, but not so much power that they abuse it.
As Terrible As This Situation Is,
Let's Not Make It Worse.
Rioting, breaking windows, looting, throwing bricks at cops, vandalizing police cars, and obstructing traffic will not prevent these types of situations and in fact will make certain cops feel more justified in exercising brutality. Antifa and BLM need to understand this.
Defunding the police will not reduce crime or prevent murders. The only thing worse than an imperfect police department, is no police at all. Every city that has reduced their police force has seen marked increases in crime, including murder. Seattle quit investigating rape reports because their police force was cut so much they did not have any detectives to do the investigation. Reducing police presence will NOT make us safer.
Foolish legislation will not make people safer. Some states have passed goofy legislation preventing the cops from chasing nonviolent criminals. This allows car thieves, shoplifters, and drug pushers to simply drive away rather than be arrested. Other states have decriminalized narcotics resulting in open air drug markets and the resulting crime that always accompanies that type of drug addiction. Foolish legislation needs to be repealed.
How Do We Prevent Police Brutality?
Police brutality can be stopped with a 3 layered approach.
1. Police officers are investigated by an Internal Affairs department that answers to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police answers to the civilian Mayor. The Mayor answers to the voters. If the Mayor allows corruption and abuse to persist in the police force, the voters must do their job. The entire police force answering to an elected civilian Mayor is the first layer of protection.
2. In recent years many police agencies have begun having other police agencies investigate any officers involved in any controversial issue. Police officers being investigated by a totally different police force is the 2nd layer of protection.
3. An independent civilian review board, that reviews all complaints and controversies is the 3rd layer of protection. Usually the members of the review board are appointed by and answer to the Mayor. Memphis has such a review board with a prominent website. It is called the Civilian Law Enforcement Review Board (see their logo to the right) and they investigate all complaints from the public. People can file complaints directly on the website.
Cities with this type of 3 layered approach have been able to control police brutality. Memphis is actually a good example. The Memphis police were wearing body cams that filmed their crime. Body cams have been instituted at the insistence of mayors elected by the public. Police unions have generally opposed body cams. The fact that we know what actually happened, that we can see the body cam footage is an example of the 1st layer of protection that comes from having police answer to the voters, through the elected Mayor. Those officers will go to prison. The system is working!
Don't Tolerate Bogus Solutions
Like Rioting, or Defunding the Police, or
Tying Cops Hands With Goofy Legislation.
Remember the 3 Layers of Protection
That Actually Work!
Police Answer to the Public Through an Elected Mayor
Outside Police Agencies Conduct Investigations
Independent Civilian Review Boards Review All Complaints
If your community does not have the 3 layers of protection, YOU need to get involved. Join with other voters and make your community SAFE!
Take care and BE HEALTHY!
CW Jasper
February 2023
© 2023· Content is Property Created by CW Jasper
You got a different story than I did - and I watched the video. But the video began with the foot chase, not the traffic stop. I don't know what happened there. The video from a cam on one of the officers was dark and did not show things clearly. But it did show a very long foot chase and Nichols fighting the cops for SEVERAL MINUTES while they were trying to handcuff him. You hear one of the officers say repeatedly "Give me your hand!"
After a while the cop with the cam had to stop and catch his breath. While he was doing that the camera was facing all directions and you could only hear what was happening.…
I think this situation falls under the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of people do the right thing, try to be fair, and then there is the 20% that grab our attention. The police force is no different. You know who really hates bad cops? Good cops. Police chiefs know that the officers most desperate to serve on swat teams are people who should never serve on swat teams.
And then there is the militarization of the police force generally. The excess armaments that are handed down to the civilian police forces from our military stockpiles encourages some cops to use excessive force when de-escalation would be the appropriate direction. Why do they do that? Because they can. This is not…
I believe that these Police Officers' are Corrupt, and probably poorly trained and poorly supervised.
Besides that I think the real and much deeper problem is this is a culture thing among many blacks. This is simply a gang fight, between two rival gangs. These black communities fight, kill and rob each other all the time. This is an example of what happens when societies decline and children are raised without a father in a stable home. This family structure won't hold up and is so common that the black s identify the many women that birthed their "Baby Mama", Much of this was cause by the liberal welfare system that for 50- 60 years has paid the Women more…